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Current Location: 首页 - Import and export agent - Import letter of credit

Import Bill Advance

Product description

       Under the import letter of credit or import collection, our bank can advance the short-term financing of import payment on behalf of the importer by presenting valid documents and commercial documents。

Product function

       It is used to meet the short-term financing needs of importers under import letters of credit or import collection。According to the settlement method, it is divided into import L/C and import collection negotiation.According to the documentary currency, it can be divided into foreign currency and renminbi documentary;According to the source of advance funds, it is divided into external advance of own funds and advance of overseas affiliates (overseas payment).。

Product characteristics

       1.Reduce capital constraints。Use bank funds for commodity import and domestic sales, without occupying any funds to complete trade and earn profits;

       2.Seize market opportunities。Help importers in the case of not being able to immediately pay for goods in time to obtain property documents, pick up goods, resell, so as to seize the market opportunity;

       3.Improve bargaining power。By changing the term of payment from long term to spot term, or shortening the term of long term payment, importers can improve their bargaining power with foreign exporters.

       4.Save financial costs。The financing currency can be selected according to the interest rate level of different currencies, thus saving financial costs。


       The financing rate shall be subject to the interest rate authorized by our bank for trade financing business。

Applicable customer

       1.The importer encountered temporary capital turnover difficulties and could not pay the redemption order on time;

       2.Importers encounter new investment opportunities before payment, and the expected yield is higher than the documentary rate。

Application conditions

       1.Approved and registered according to law, with the annual inspection of the legal person's business license or other valid documents to prove the legality and scope of its business;

       2.Have a loan card;

       3.Have an account opening license and open a settlement account with our bank;

       4.With import and export business qualifications。

Handling process

Import negotiation process

       1.Our bank shall approve the credit line for the importer upon application。

       2.The importer submits an application for import documents to our bank。

       3.Our bank will pay the bill in advance for the importer and deliver the documents to the importer。

       4.The importer will pay to us at due date to repay the documentary amount。

Warm reminder

       1.A written application for import negotiation must be made to the issuing bank or designated collecting bank;

       2.Approved the credit line at the negotiating bank or applied for a single credit line;

       3.Sign a formal negotiation agreement with the bank to determine the amount, term, interest rate, repayment date, etc.;

       4.Pay attention to the market interest rate of RMB and foreign exchange payment currency at any time, and choose the documentary currency with the lowest financing cost;

       5.Import negotiation is a special financing, which can only be used to fulfill foreign payment obligations under specific trade items.

       6.The term of negotiation generally matches the term of resale of imported goods, and the sale proceeds are used as the main repayment source of negotiation。

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